According to a series of news reports, families of victims of distracted driving have been coming forward to urge others to avoid accidents like the ones that took the lives of their loved ones.
Distracted driving continues to be one of the factors most commonly linked to personal injury accidents.When it comes to auto crashes involving teenagers, distraction is more likely to be the factor that led to the accident. In order to reach out to an audience that wouldn’t normally pay attention to the risks associated with distracted driving, parents of some victims of this type of accident have been talking about the dangers and what they should be doing to make sure that the risks are minimized.
An Otsego couple whose teenaged son was unfortunately killed in an accident involving a van whose driver was reportedly on the phone at the time talked to teens at a high school last November. During the talk, both parents described the accident and what happened prior to the accident. They also opened up about the pain they had to deal with after the accident in order to enlighten others as to why distractions should never be allowed to take their attention away from the road.
Unfortunately for motorists across California, distractions come too easily.
Smartphones, passengers, pets, children, and other factors contribute to distractions and make it harder for drivers to avoid accidents when emergency situations take place. While most of us are considerate and try to focus on the rod at all times, distractions continue to lurk, and if we’re not careful, we end up giving in.
In order to ensure that you drive safely so that personal injury accidents like the deadly one the couple is now using to reach out to others are avoided,you must know what the consequences of distracted driving can be. During their last talk, the couple urged others to remember that when driving, only driving should be your priority.
Teens and parents listened to the couple sharing their story and many walked out of the event feeling sad about the circumstances surrounding the event but also much more aware of the dangers associated with the use of a cell phone while behind the wheel. During the event, the attorney who brought the couple over to talk before students, teachers, and others used some of his time to urge others to remember that distractions are not only associated with phone use. Eating, drinking, grooming, smoking, reaching out to the radio or other dashboard controls, or simply attempting to reach out to other objects inside the car can all be distracting activities that could expose you and your loved ones to serious personal injury accidents.
Whether you’re a parent or a teen, making sure that you understand the risks and avoid them at all costs could help to boost road safety in the state and push the number of personal injury accidents down. For more details associated with the couple’s personal story of loss, follow this link.