
Truck drivers have immense responsibility on the road to operate their large vehicles safely. With their size and limited visibility, trucks can pose major hazards if drivers cannot see clearly around them. Visibility and lighting play crucial roles in allowing truck drivers to navigate safely and avoid collisions. This article will examine the importance of...

California has the highest number of dog bite claims in the country. If you’ve been bitten by a dog, it’s important to properly document your injuries in case you need or want to pursue legal action later. Having a good record of your injuries can help if you file a dog bite lawsuit or insurance...

Trains are an essential part of the transportation infrastructure in the United States, carrying both passengers and freight long distances across the country. However, they also pose serious safety risks when accidents occur due to negligence on the part of railroad companies. Understanding the common forms of railroad negligence can help injury victims determine if...

The construction industry is rife with safety violations and preventable accidents. Profit-driven construction firms routinely cut corners and engage in negligent practices that endanger their workers. These unacceptable actions cause severe and fatal injuries that could easily be avoided with proper precautions and adequate safety measures. Let’s look at some of the dangerous shortcuts construction...

Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft are extremely popular in Los Angeles. With just a tap on your phone, you can secure a safe ride home after a night out or get to the airport easily without having to find parking. While ridesharing services provide many benefits, accidents can still happen. If you are a...

California leads the nation in dog attacks, according to recent data on homeowners insurance claims related to dog bites and aggressive incidents. With over 11% of all dog attack claims nationwide occurring in the state, California residents and visitors need to be aware of the risks posed by aggressive canines. The Dangers of Dog Attacks...

Most dogs are loyal, loving companions that enrich our lives. However, even dogs that are normally docile can sometimes act out of character and bite someone, even their owner, without provocation or warning. Dog bites can cause severe injuries, from puncture wounds and scarring to infections, nerve damage, and broken bones requiring surgery. Under certain...