HomeCategoryDog Bites - Binder Law Group

California leads the nation in dog attacks, according to recent data on homeowners insurance claims related to dog bites and aggressive incidents. With over 11% of all dog attack claims nationwide occurring in the state, California residents and visitors need to be aware of the risks posed by aggressive canines. The Dangers of Dog Attacks...

Most dogs are loyal, loving companions that enrich our lives. However, even dogs that are normally docile can sometimes act out of character and bite someone, even their owner, without provocation or warning. Dog bites can cause severe injuries, from puncture wounds and scarring to infections, nerve damage, and broken bones requiring surgery. Under certain...

Many people consider large dogs dangerous, and their fears are not unfounded. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about 4.5 million people are bitten by animals annually, with many victims being children. This makes parents wonder whether their children would be safe around them. Its Depends on the Breed The answer to...

Earlier this year, a pit bull attacked a man at a strip mall causing cuts and other serious injuries to the man’s face. According to local reports, the owner ran into a nearby check-cashing business after the incident, barricading himself and the dog inside the business. When police arrived on the scene, the owner did...

In Riverside County a young man was bitten by a German shepherd dog after he had offered the dog a bowl of water on a hot day. After noticing the German shepherd wandering the neighborhood, the 20-year-old victim approached the dog and offered it a bowl of cool water. The dog took a drink and...

Some of Southern California’s postal workers received a dose of good news last month, when the United States Postal Service (USPS) revealed new rankings for cities with the most frequent dog attacks against postal workers. Los Angeles dropped from number one to number four on the USPS list, as the City of Houston reclaimed the...