
Were You Injured In A Pedestrian Accident?

Committed To Serving Our Community

Pedestrian accidents are on the rise in our country. While there were only 61,000 pedestrians injured in crashes and collisions in 2006, according to NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts an estimated 70,000 pedestrians were injured while navigating American roadways in 2015.

Whenever you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, it is critical that you speak to an experienced Encino pedestrian accident lawyer. Your injuries may seem insignificant or insubstantial now, but a Encino pedestrian accident attorney at Binder Law Group, PLC can examine your situation, review your injuries, and advise you of any potential long term effects you may face after being involved in a pedestrian crash.

Call(818) 659-8588 for a free consultation with a dedicated team member, or contact us online. We’re fierce advocates for clients and we won’t rest until we’ve achieved your desired results.

Reasons Why Crashes Involving Pedestrians Occur

Crashes involving pedestrians can occur for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Time of day: The majority of crashes involving pedestrians and vehicles or other modes of transportation happen at night, typically between 6 pm and midnight. Whenever possible, avoid walking at night. If you must be out and about while it is dark, be sure to wear bright, reflective clothing and to always walk on the sidewalk.
  • Left-hand turns: A crosswalk may be properly marked, but vehicles making left-hand turns still account for a large number of vehicle crashes. This is because pedestrians are looking straight ahead, while drivers are busy trying to negotiate the street and intersection.
  • Distracted walking and driving: Drivers and pedestrians alike are often distracted these days. From texting and scrolling through social media posts on a smartphone to changing the song on an MP3 player, the use of electronics stops both parties from paying proper attention to the road.
  • Use of drugs/alcohol: The use of substances while both driving and walking account for a large number of pedestrian crashes. According to the IIHS Highway Loss Data Institute, intoxicated drivers (those with a BAC of over 0.08 percent) accounted for 13 percent of collisions involving pedestrians. However, 37 percent of fatally injured pedestrians had a BAC of over 0.08.
  • Improper lane use: It is not uncommon for cyclists, mopeds, and riders of pocket bikes to use sidewalks to get around. This can force pedestrians off the road, or these vehicles may collide with pedestrians.

What To Do After A Pedestrian Accident In CA

Your first and primary focus after being involved in a pedestrian accident is your health. Seek medical attention immediately, even if your injuries seem only minor. A slight bump from a moving vehicle, for example, may result in a leg fracture, lead to a knee injury, or cause back pain.

The next step is to contact your local police and to advise them of the pedestrian accident. Law enforcement will take a report of the accident, and in that report, pertinent details of the crash such as the names of witnesses and how the crash occurred will be included.

If you are able, it is useful to gather evidence while on the scene. Take pictures and video of where the crash occurred and ask for the contact information of any witnesses.

Lastly, it is a good idea to speak to an Encino pedestrian accident attorney. Binder Law Group, PLC offers free initial consultations so that you can learn more about your legal rights after a pedestrian collision and if you should proceed with a case.

Compensation Available After A Pedestrian Collision

After a pedestrian crash, you may be able to recover damages from the party or parties who caused the collision such as:

  • Medical bills (both present and future)
  • Vocational rehabilitation (if you cannot return to your job)
  • Loss of enjoyment in life
  • Lost time at work
  • Pain and suffering

When a collision is fatal, the negligent party may be responsible for additional expenses including funeral and burial costs. Our team has been recovering settlements for injured pedestrians for almost four decades here in Los Angeles County. Our Encino personal injury attorneys have handled pedestrian collision cases ranging from a compensation amount of $25,000 to well over one million dollars.

You deserve to recover safely and without going into debt. Our team can help you cover your expenses when you call us for a free consultation at (818) 659-8588.


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