Train derailments can be frightening and devastating events. When a multi-ton locomotive leaves its tracks...
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Get The Compensation That You Deserve
The Encino train accident lawyers at Binder Law Group, PLC are experienced and effective at helping train accident victims secure the compensation they deserve.
When a train accident occurs, there is no doubt about one thing: Wherever the blame lies for this catastrophic accident, nothing will fully make up for the loss of life and the injuries, both physical and emotional, sustained by the victims and their loved ones. At times like these, words alone carry little solace. It can only be hoped that, as a result of tragedies like these, all necessary steps will be taken to ensure these accidents are never repeated in the future. Binder Law Group, PLC has been actively involved in prior Metrolink and freight train accidents, and we are committed to investigating train accidents to the fullest extent and to advocating for the changes necessary to prevent them.
Binder Law Group, PLC has direct experience investigating and obtaining justice in cases of this magnitude. Our attorneys have worked closely on train accident cases with the National Transportation Safety Board and other federal, state, county and local agencies.
We have handled serious personal injury and wrongful death cases after railroad accidents such as the Chatsworth Metrolink train accident. We have over 35 years of experience in personal injury litigation, and we have recovered nearly $100 million in verdicts and settlements.
Any train accident can result in major injuries for its victims, including brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations, and even death. Unfortunately, some say that Los Angeles’ Metrolink railroad system has one of the worst commuter rail fatality records in the United States.
In 2005, a Metrolink crash killed 11 people. In the 2008 Chatsworth Metrolink train accident least 25 were killed, and over 135 were injured. Remarkably, before the Chatsworth Metrolink train accident in which the engineer was reportedly text messaging just before the accident there were no regulations making it illegal for engineers to use cell phones while operating a train.
We are committed to finding the answers the injured, their families, and our community needs. Could positive train control (PTC) technology, which is already in use in some parts of the country, have prevented the train crash? Was a Metrolink safety system at fault? Was the accident due to the failure of a faulty signal? Was engineer fatigue a factor?
There are various reasons for train accidents. Most of which take place at crossing and are due to driver negligence. They usually involve the driver, passenger, and some bystanders.
While every case is unique, the most common causes of train accidents include:
If you have been injured in a train accident, you need a lawyer who has dealt with the nuances and intricacies of this type of case. Let us put our nearly 50 years of combined legal experience to work for you.
Our attorneys and staff are ready, willing and able to serve you, and you can reach us for a free consultation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact our Encino personal injury lawyers at(818) arrange a free initial consultation.