
Metrolink Crash: Truck Driver Guilty Of Past Traffic Violations

Recent revelations made public by federal officials indicate that the truck that caused the Metrolink commuter accident may have been driven by a motorist who had been previously arrested.

The 54-year-old man had pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated before this accident. According to a background check, that’s not all. The truck driver once pleaded guilty to failing to obey a police officer and having liquor with a minor on the premises. He also pleaded guilty over having no auto insurance. Agents claim that, in 2004, the man was also convicted of a local driving infraction in Yuma. Other traffic violations from 2007 were also named in the report.

But the reports on the truck driver are not the most important details on the accident. Investigation is still in its primary phase.

Video Captures Moments Before Metrolink Train Hit The Truck

According to the Los Angeles Times, a video taken from inside the train captured the exact moment before the accident. While the footage does not give investigators enough details regarding what happened outside of the Metrolink train, it does give experts enough to learn just how the train’s new technologies worked to help prevent major deaths as a result of the accident.

The official account of how the accident happened may help us to identify who was negligent.

According to the Oxnard police’s first statement,t he truck driver had attempted to turn his 2005 Ford F-450 onto 5th Street at Rice Avenue before the car became stuck at the railroad tracks. At the time prior to the collision, the truck was carrying a series of tools and other equipments.

According to the driver’s attorney Public Transportation, he did all he could to get the vehicle out of the way. When the accident looked inevitable, he proceeded to clear out of the way of the train. The train engineer also tried to do everything his could by pulling the emergency brake seconds before colliding into the truck.

The accident took place about 80 feet west of where vehicles are supposed to pass over the tracks. According to the investigators, damaged sections of the tracks have already been repaired.

Until investigators are able to identify just what happened before the truck driver allowed his vehicle to get stuck in the railroad tracks, we won’t be able to understand what happened in full to put so many lives at risk. Hopefully, this accident will serve as reminder to regulators that important safety features can help to avoid serious personal injuries in the event of Metrolink train accidents.

For more on this story, follow this link.

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