
Riding Safety Tips for Motorcyclists (Part 2)

Riding sober and following all traffic laws when riding are essential motorcycle riding tips that can protect riders and save lives.

Riding sober and following all traffic laws when riding are essential motorcycle riding tips that can protect riders and save lives.

Picking up from Riding Safety Tips for Motorcyclists (Part 1), the following highlights and explains some additional motorcycle riding safety tips that can be essential to protecting riders, minimizing the chances of getting into motorcycle accidents and reducing the risk of life-threatening injuries if or when traffic accidents occur.

  • Obey all traffic laws – While this riding safety tip may seem obvious and unnecessary to mention, some riders intentionally violate traffic laws to try to impress their friends, get their adrenaline going or simply because they may be in a hurry to get to their destination. Every rider is responsible for his own safety, and choosing intentionally to violate traffic laws put riders – as well as other motorists on the road – at risk of getting into serious motor vehicle accidents. Therefore, when riding, make sure that you don’t speed, that you stop at red lights, that you don’t cut off other drivers and that you do your best to generally comply with all applicable traffic laws.
  • Don’t ride after boozing – Like truck drivers and drivers of passenger vehicles, motorcycle riders should NOT attempt to ride after drinking alcohol, as:
    • Their ability to pay attention to the task of riding deteriorates rapidly.
    • They are more likely to miss important road cues, like stop signs, changing signal lights, indicators on other vehicles, etc.
    • They will likely have an impaired response to such important road cues.
    • They can have an increased risk of falling asleep while riding.
    • They increase their overall risk of getting into motorcycle accidents.

Check out the final part of this blog for some additional essential safety tips for motorcycle riders.

Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident or have lost a loved one due to any type of traffic accident, you need an attorney who understands personal injury law and knows what steps to take on your behalf. At Binder Law Group, PLC, our Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorneys have been committed to aggressively defending victims’ rights and helping people like you in the Los Angeles, California area since 1973. Our thorough knowledge of the law and our fierce litigating skills allow us to consistently help accident victims secure the maximum possible compensation for their injuries and losses.

At Binder Law Group, PLC, we take pride in providing individual service and attention to each of our clients, and we are selective in the number of cases we take. This allows us to focus on the issue at hand, attack each case with vigor and provide the highest quality legal work possible. It also allows us to keep each of our clients informed about the status of their cases at all times so that they never feel that they are being left in the dark when it comes to their the important legal matters.

To arrange for your free initial consultation during which you will receive trusted advice from an experienced legal professional, please contact our office by calling us at 626-793-9124 or by emailing us using the form on the right-hand side of this page.

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