
Are There Any Practical Solutions to the Distracted Driving Problem?

Distracted driving is behind as many as 6,000 deadly auto accidents in the United States every year.

The deadly accidents caused by drivers who are too distracted to focus on the road ahead often involve teens and inexperienced drivers. They often and falsely believe that they are able to multitask while driving safely. Unfortunately for many who lose their lives yearly, natural limitations are never considered before tragedy strikes.

According to some experts, the only way to end with distracted driving-related accidents is to make sure drivers know about the deadly consequences of the practice, but to some safety experts, making drivers aware of the risks is not enough.

Adults understand there are risks but are they acting accordingly?

According to a series of surveys, 90 percent of adults claim to see the act of using a phone to text while behind the wheel as unacceptable behavior. This means that they are following the laws and putting their phones down, right? Not really.

Survey data shows that 30 percent of the same adults admit using their phones to either send or receive a text message while still behind the wheel.

People who have taken up the task to fight distracted driving have been working on developing real life solutions to this problem. A former rocket scientist has been working for six years on developing a technology that is now being called Groove, a wireless system that would ensure the driver’s phone is rendered useless while the vehicle is in use.

Companies like AT&T also have their own solutions to distracted driving such as the app-based system “DriveMode.” According to the company, the driver’s phone equipped with the app will be blocked for use once the vehicle hits 15 mph.

The reality is harsh, we’re addicted to our phones

American drivers are often habituated to using their phones throughout the day. When a smartphone user sits behind the wheel, nothing changes. Phones continue to be part of their routines even at times when distractions stemming from the phone use may lead to deadly crashes. Unfortunately for perfectly innocent drivers, passengers, and bikers, distractions will only be curbed when functional systems are in place in all automobiles.

If you’re a motorist and you also own a smartphone, there’s a solution you can embrace now that will make distracted driving-related accidents less frequent: put your phone down once you sit behind the wheel of your car.

Choosing to not pick up your phone to text, send or read an e-mail, or call, will help you to stay safe and help others to stay safe as well.




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