
DMV Releases Google Car Accident Reports

Car safety technology could change how drivers handle their vehicles, but it could also help to put an end to most accidents. According to Google executives behind the development of the Google Car, taking human error out of the equation allows drivers to relax and enjoy their riding experience in peace.

But as more news sites began covering the car safety technology developed by Google, questions concerning how safe the autonomous features are started popping. In spite of risks associated with human errors, which are often associated with most auto crashes, people started wondering if the self-driving technology used in the Google cars would threaten driver safety over potential software and other computer glitches.

The initial phase of testing for Google Cars has been extensively covered by the media, but for some time, the government of the state of California refused to share any data pertaining to auto crashes linked to self-driving cars. Now, the Department of Motor Vehicles of the state is finally opening its records.

According to the Associated Press, its reporters convinced CA’s DMV to open its records by claiming that keeping these details from the public went against public interest. In the past, the DMV claimed to be following state regulations that require accident reports to stay confidential, but now, things changed.

At least six accidents associated with self-driving cars have been reported to the CA DMV. According to the report put together by the AP, five accidents were linked to Google cars while the others were linked to cars fitted with Delphi car safety tech that happened to be autonomous technology. While no injuries were registered in all accidents, the reports show that in all collisions, the other driver was at fault.

Google and other companies that have been working on self-driving cars often claim the self-driving technology is the best car safety tech mostly because it does not allow the driver to make mistakes that may lead to crashes. But for experts to have a full grasp of what kind of accidents these vehicles may suffer, more details must be made available. To reporters, the fact the accident reports did not contain any property damage totaling $750 or more may indicate the collisions were very minor fender benders. But when asked, Google says that all repairs to their Google cars are done in house, making it difficult for the company to estimate just how much the property damage cost the company.

Going forward, Google says it will be working on issuing monthly reports on any issues associated with its self-driving vehicles and its car safety tech.

To learn more, you may follow this link to read the full article.

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