When it comes to the safety of their child, parents will go great lengths. Fortunately for them, car safety seat use is the best, easiest, and most efficient method to avoid deadly injuries in the event of an accident. While this is true when the seats are correctly fitted, it does not happen the same way when restraining seats are not fitted correctly.
According to recent reports, a mother has been using her terribly tragic story to bring awareness to other parents about the importance of using car safety seats correctly. The death of her 11-month-old son scarred her greatly, but regardless of what happened, the mother is gathering strength to talk about the mistakes that unfortunately led to the death of her son.
The Louisiana mom was involved in an accident that caused her child to be ejected from his car safety seat. Investigators at the time claimed the child had only been buckled up with the chest clip. The improper way the child had been secured to the seat caused him to be ejected in the moment of the impact, causing him to suffer major personal injuries including a severe trauma to his head.
The accident prompted the mother to suffer a great deal of pain, but once she analyzed everything that happened, she questioned why she was never called out by anybody over the way she secured her child in the car safety seat. If she had known she was using the device incorrectly, reports say, the child may have not been injured in the crash.
Too Many Parents Get It Wrong
Unfortunately for children across the country, severe personal injury related to auto crashes continues to be the factor behind most children deaths in the United States. According to the child passenger safety program known as Buckle Up For Life, most parents continue to install and use the car safety seats incorrectly.
Data shows that 75 percent of restraining seats are installed in a way that puts the lives of the children at risk. So that other parents wouldn’t go through the pain she suffered, the Louisiana mom is now using her story to raise awareness among other parents so they too know how to install the car seats and secure their children in the devices. His kind of effort could help to put an end to deadly personal injury accidents involving children.
What Can You Do To Keep Your Child Safe?
Experts have put together a list of tips that could help you to ensure your child is not injured in an auto accident.
Some of the tips include using rear-facing car safety seats until the child reaches the age and weight limits specified by the car seat manufacturer, following state laws governing car safety seat usage, install the car seat the way the user’s manual urges you to, and make sure the harness straps are snug and tight so that the child won’t slip through the gaps in the event of a major impact.
This link contains more tips you should follow to make sure a personal injury accident involving your child is avoided in the future.