
AT&T Launches Distracted Driving Ads To Help Boost Safety

Distracted driving is a serious issue. And as law enforcement agencies across the country step up their game and crack down on distracted drivers, private organizations and companies also step up.

AT&T has been carrying out a series of efforts to fight distracted driving across the country.

Its campaign, known as “It Can Wait” has been responsible for teaching countless teens across the country about the dangers associated with distracted driving. With its driving simulators and other efforts, AT&T has taken upon itself to educate others on the importance of putting the phone down and focusing on the road ahead.

But AT&T’s latest effort to educate teens and older drivers may help more people than ever.

A new set of videos has been launched by the company. The online videos are also part of the It Can Wait campaign.

As you click play, the powerful scenes show scene by scene how a distracted driving accident occurs. But the video is not your run-of-the-mill online commercial—it shows the entire accident in slow-motion and in reverse.

The longer video was cut in several small ads and are being shown everywhere online to help Internet users get a glimpse of what a distracted driving accident looks like and how easy it is to be prevented.

But the video is not the only thing the company has worked on to fight distracted driving. According to the reports, AT&T has also launched a new virtual simulator. When using the simulator, the operator will find out just how quickly something can happen and how easy it is for the driver to become inattentive.

If you’re a parent and your child is about to get his or her driver’s license, you may want to show them this video. After watching the video with your child, have a conversation about the importance of taking responsibility for their actions, especially as a driver. Vehicles can inflict great pain and suffering. If you’re a driver and you’re serious about safety, distracted driving shouldn’t be part of your daily routine.

To learn more about AT&T’s latest campaign and share it with your loved ones, watch the entire video below.

For more details on the company’s campaign and for more access to the company’s resources on distracted driving, follow this link.

So far, over 7 million people have already pledged to not drive while distracted due to AT&T’s It Can Wait. Have you taken the pledge?

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