
California Ranked First In U.S. Dog Bite Injury Insurance Claims

With over 78 million dogs currently living as pets in the United States, it isn’t a surprise that some of these animals can bite, or worse — attack — a person without notice.

According to the Center for Disease Control, one in five of the around four and a half million people who are bitten by dogs each year in the United States require medical attention.

At Binder Law Group, PLC, our Encino, California dog bite attorneys know that our city and state’s large populations can place us in the lead for dog bites to occur, and our size isn’t the only proof we have that is true.

How Many Dog Bite Claims Are Filed In California Each Year?

Last year there were over 18,100 dog bite claims filed throughout the country, equaling total payouts of over $612 million by insurance companies, which accounted for one-third of all homeowner liability claims filed in the U.S.

A study by the Insurance Information Institute lists that most of the dog bite claims in the United States come from California.

  • California ranked first in dog bite injury claims, accounting for over 1,900 of those filed last year
  • Over $76 million was paid in dog bite claims in California last year; averaging nearly $39,500 per claim

Our Los Angeles County personal injury attorneys know that no one should have to pay for the expensive medical bills that result from the dog bite acquired from negligent ownership. And if you have been hurt, we want to help you get the financial recovery you deserve for your injuries.

What Are The Most Common Dog Bite Injuries In California?

It is no surprise that dog bite injuries in California are often the most severe in small children and elderly persons. Their inability to escape an attack or defend themselves can lead to severe injuries that require extended medical care.

The most common California dog bite injuries can include, but are not limited to:

  • Bruises
  • Head trauma
  • Lacerations
  • Muscle and ligament tears
  • Puncture wounds
  • Scarring
  • Severe infections, including rabies
  • Soft tissue damage

Dog bites are responsible for more than immediate injuries that require emergency care but can also lead to victims requiring reconstructive surgery or psychological care to overcome the physical and emotional trauma these scary incidents can cause. And when someone in our community is injured by a dog bite, our accomplished attorneys want to help them hold the negligent party responsible.

Why Do Dog Bites Occur In California?

In most dog bite cases, the injuries result from the negligent actions or inactions of the dog’s owner.

This can include:

  • Allowing a dog that is known to be aggressive to be around other people and pets
  • Allowing a dog to wander off of its leash despite municipal leash laws
  • Failing to properly secure a dog behind a fence, kennel, or closed door

If you have been hurt by a dog, even if it belongs to a friend or family member, and require medical care, time away from work, and additional treatment, contact our experienced Encino, California dog bite attorneys at Binder Law Group, PLC today at(818) 659-8588. to discuss your legal options during a free consultation. 

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