
Ride-Sharing Company Wants You to Be Safe This New Year’s Eve

To many of us who enjoy celebrating during the holiday season, balancing safety and fun may seem like a hard task. So that safety is observed, planning ahead should be your first step this New Year’s Eve.

Whether you’ll be celebrating the New Year’s Eve with friends, families, or at a party filled with all sorts of strangers, making sure that safety comes first should be your top priority.

According to a series of news sources, the ride-sharing service Lyft is joining Mothers Against Drunk Driving in a campaign that is focusing on making sure that everybody is safe on New Year’s Eve by urging drivers to avoid intoxicated driving crashes. The campaign is focusing on asking drivers to sign a pledge they will not drink and drive on New Year’s Eve. Lyft will give MADD one dollar for each person that signs the pledge. The goal with this campaign is to bring awareness to the fact that people are still dying in auto crashes because they are intoxicated while behind the wheel.

According to Lyft’s co-founder, the communities around the United States are being mobilized and urged to leave their cars at home this New Year’s Eve. Making sure they have options when it’s time to head home will secure their safety and make sure that everyone riding along is also safe.

The company wants to make sure Americans are using its services, walking, taking public transportation, or getting rides with sober friends instead of operating a car after having too much to drink during the celebration. This kind of campaign should be embraced by everybody who owns and drives a vehicle, whether they are the designated drivers or thinking about partying during the New Year’s Eve. According to Lyft, its own co-founder will be driving consumers during the holiday so that he may help to improve safety in his community.

If you’re one of the millions of consumers across the country who will be partying and drinking on New Year’s Eve, making sure you have a designated driver on call, the number of a taxi cab company, or a ride-sharing app at hand should be your focus so that you are safe and auto accidents are avoided.

For more information on how to sign the pledge and help Lyft and MADD while making your friends and loved ones also aware of the campaign, you may follow this link for the full article.


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