While the novelty of electric scooters in San Fernando Valley may be waning, their popularity with the urban crowd is not.
After all, scooters provide more than a quick transportation option for the so-called “last mile” of transit for urbanites, but they provide easy access around congested traffic, do not contribute to pollution levels, are inexpensive, and fun to ride.
Unfortunately, even as California has hosted the popular transit option for multiple years, and people get used to seeing scooters literally everywhere, they can still be very dangerous.
In January 2020, UC San Francisco produced the latest statistics from their study on scooter dangers and injuries, providing a clearer look at exactly how these quick transit options are changing lives after an accident.
How Many People Ride Electric Scooters Annually?
The National Association of City Transportation Officials reported that in the approximately one hundred cities that allow scooter operations, riders took 38.5 million trips over a single year.
How Many People Are Injured on Scooters Each Year?
According to the UCSF study, nearly 40,000 scooter injuries occurred throughout the country over four years — a number that increased 222% over the same time.
The number of hospital admissions for scooter injuries increased by 365%, according to the team of San Francisco trauma specialists and researchers who conducted the study.
While fractures were the most common injuries sustained during scooter accidents, nearly one-third of the patients suffered head trauma — more than twice the rate of bicyclists.
What Are the Most Common Types of Scooter Accidents in Encino, California?
Scooter accidents can happen anywhere in Encino and can be caused by multiple factors.
Common types of electric scooter accidents can include:
- Scooter drivers being hit by another vehicle
- Scooter crashes caused by road hazards like potholes
- Crashes due to defective or malfunctioning scooters
When any type of negligence occurs on our roadways, including distracted or speeding drivers, scooter accidents can occur without notice and leave the rider severely injured as a result.
Encino Scooter Riders Are Not the Only Ones in Danger
Pedestrian injuries occur when scooters are abandoned on walkways, doorways, and street corners, leaving unsuspecting walkers to trip over them. Walkers and joggers can also be easily hit by scooter riders flying by as they walk our city streets.
Bicycle riders are also in danger when electric scooters share bike lanes and overtake the cyclists who are traveling alongside.
If you have been injured while riding a scooter, or have been injured by a scooter or its rider, contact our Encino personal injury lawyers at Binder Law Group, PLC by calling(818) 659-8588. to schedule a free consultation today. We will fully review your case and provide real-time solutions for your financial recovery pursuit.