
What Evidence Will I Need to Prove My California Wrongful Death Case?

Unexpectedly losing a loved one in a car accident, motorcycle crash, pedestrian or truck collision is an incredibly difficult circumstance for anyone. Family members are overcome by grief, but often do not realize the long-term financial consequences of losing a key member of their family, and what it will mean to the overall well-being.

At Binder Law Group, PLC, our Encino wrongful death attorneys know the value of properly preparing your legal case to pursue the financial results you deserve for your sudden loss. Our lawyers can help you gather the necessary evidence to build the strongest wrongful death claim, so you can fully grieve while we prepare your case.

What Type of Evidence Will My San Fernando Valley Wrongful Death Attorney Compile?

In the State of California, certain family members are legally eligible to file a wrongful death suit against the person, party, or company that negligently caused their loved one’s death.

Those individuals include surviving spouses, partners, and children.

To prove liability in a wrongful death case, our Encino personal injury lawyers must collect pertinent evidence in the case.

The evidence we need to support your wrongful death claim will vary on a case-by-case basis and will be unique to your loss.

However, there are some items common among all California wrongful death cases, and they include:

  • Medical Records

If your loved one was treated by a hospital before succumbing to their injuries, we will need to secure their complete medical records as soon as possible.

These valuable records can include healthcare documentation, x-rays, test results, notes, consultation records, evaluations, and prescription information that will help describe the extent of the injuries that led to your loved one’s loss.

  • Physical Evidence

Physical evidence from an accident will be different in each case when it can be obtained. These items can include the clothing the victim was wearing or photographs and videos that can tell a story of the fatal accident.

  • Witness Statements

If there were witnesses at the scene of the fatal accident, be sure to collect the names and contact information of anyone who saw collision occur. As your wrongful death attorneys, we will interview them about what they witnessed to create a complete profile of what occurred.

  • Police and Autopsy Reports

After an accident, police officers will investigate the scene and create a report detailing the circumstances and evidence of the crash.

Additionally, an autopsy may be necessary to determine the cause of the victim’s death.

Both official reports will help support your California wrongful death case.

  • Death Certificate

Family members can contact the California Department of Public Health to obtain certified copies of death certificates. A death certificate provides a certified record of the victim’s cause of death, and it is verified by the coroner.

  • Pay Stubs and Tax Returns

Wrongful death claims are designed to provide financial relief to family members who have lost their loved ones.

To develop a clear picture of the financial loss your household sustained, we will need to review pay stubs and tax returns to calculate the value of your wrongful death claim.

Once we review these important documents, we can develop a full record of the complete financial damages your home has suffered.

Have You Lost a Loved One in a California Vehicle Accident?

Contact Our Wrongful Death Attorneys Today to Schedule a Free Consultation Today

If you have lost a loved one in an accident that was caused by the negligent actions or inactions of another, contact our Encino wrongful death attorneys at Binder Law Group, PLC today to schedule a free consultation by calling(818) 659-8588... We are here to help you get through this difficult time while pursuing the financial recovery you deserve.

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