
What To Do If You Are Injured In An Electric Scooter Accident

Electric scooter accidents are on the rise as the availability of scooters across the US and California continues to rise. A new craze for both young and old, electric scooters can be a lot of fun, but they come with a lot of danger for riders, car drivers, and pedestrians.

If you have been injured in an electric scooter accident, you may be able to get compensation for any injuries or damages caused to yourself and your property. Below we take a closer look at what to do if you are injured in an electric scooter accident, and when to seek help from an attorney.

What is Classed as an Electric Scooter Accident?

An electric scooter accident is any accident or collision that occurs while you are driving an electric scooter, or while someone else is driving an electric scooter. Vehicle drivers must give electric scooter drivers room on the road and failing to do so could cause injury to yourself or a loved one. As electric scooter drivers are in a vulnerable position, they are much more likely to come to serious harm if knocked off their vehicle or hit by another driver.

Likewise, those driving electric scooters must not drive on pavements and they must take care while driving around other vehicles and pedestrians. Cases such as this, where an electric scooter accident caused a pedestrian injury, are becoming increasingly common.

An electric scooter accident could also be caused by neglect of the scooter company for poorly maintained equipment. If the brakes or wheels are not properly maintained, this could cause an accident for the rider. Companies such as Spin, Bird, and Lime all have a responsibility to ensure that their equipment is up to standards for safe driving. If it is found that the electric scooter you were riding was in a poor condition, you could have a negligence claim against the company.

What are the Laws Around Riding a Scooter in California?

As a scooter rider or someone involved in a scooter accident, you should learn the laws regarding the use of an electric scooter in California. This can help in the case of an accident where you and your attorney are trying to find who is at fault. When riding a scooter in California, the rider must:

  • be of legal driving age and possess a driver’s license.
  • obey the maximum speed limit (15mph)
  • follow all lights, signals, and traffic laws, just as any other vehicle would.
  • leave parked scooters in suitable and safe spaces.

When riding in California, the rider must not:

  • have any passengers on the scooter.
  • drive on sidewalks, unless it is being used as an exit or entrance.
  • be carrying anything that prevents them from using both hands for steering.
  • drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

You do not have to legally wear a helmet when riding an electric scooter, although it is recommended for your safety.

The Steps to Take if You Are Involved in an Electric Scooter Accident

If you have been involved in an electric scooter accident, the first thing you should do is seek medical help. At the scene, someone involved in the accident should also call the police. Even if your injuries are not serious, it is vital that you have a written record of any injuries that you sustained, from cuts and bruises to broken bones.

Write down a witness statement including as much detail as possible, as this will help if you want to build a compensation case against the negligent party. You should then speak to an attorney who has experience in electric scooter accidents. They can help you to find proof of any negligence that caused the accident and get you the compensation you deserve.

You should also:

  • avoid documenting your injury or accident on social media, as this could affect your case.
  • not allow any insurance company to see your doctor’s records unless you have cleared it with an attorney.
  • follow any treatment instructions given to you by a medical professional, including taking time off work if this is what was requested of you.
  • avoid agreeing to any settlement until you have spoken to your attorney about the accident.
  • be very aware of giving a recorded statement to the negligent party or their insurance company.

When involved in an electric scooter accident, it is best to leave the legal bit to a professional. This allows you to focus on your recovery and removes any added stressors during this difficult time.

Visit our office at 16633 Ventura Blvd. #602 Encino, CA 91436 or call now for a free consultation on (818) 659-8588.

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